Contacto: ipmstucuman@gmail.com // puede visitarnos tambien en FACEBOOK...

domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012
domingo, 29 de abril de 2012
lunes, 23 de abril de 2012
Pedido a nuestros visitantes amigos al Blog IPMS TUCUMAN
Estuvimos recibiendo correos de anónimo con comentarios FUERA DE LUGAR en algunas publicaciones de nuestro blog .por favor sean respetuosos con lo publicado y no se cubran en el anonimato para insultar a nuestros modelistas ,y si no les gusta la pagina busquen otra ,aquí compartimos todas las opiniones dentro del buen ámbito de la cordialidad y el respeto hacia los demás.Desde ya muchas gracias IPMS TUCUMAN.
We were receiving post office of anonymous with comments OUT OF PLACE in some publications of our blog .por favor be respectful with the published and do not cover in the anonymity to insult our modelistas, and if they do not like the page look for other one, here we share all the opinions inside the good area of the warmth and the respect towards the others. From already thank you very much IPMS TUCUMAN
We were receiving post office of anonymous with comments OUT OF PLACE in some publications of our blog .por favor be respectful with the published and do not cover in the anonymity to insult our modelistas, and if they do not like the page look for other one, here we share all the opinions inside the good area of the warmth and the respect towards the others. From already thank you very much IPMS TUCUMAN
miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012
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